In outside window - cleaning at more than 3 metres above ground level , 在室外离地三米以上清洁窗户,
Agl above ground level 地平面之上
Agl above ground level 离地高度
Agl above ground level 离地高度
Trees of trunk diameter of 1 metre or more when measured at 1 . 3 metres above ground level 树干直径超过1米或以上(指在地面以上1 . 3米位置量度的树干直径)
Fig . 7 rain echoes at 3 km above ground level taken from the weather radar at tai mo shan at 3 a . m . on 3 april 2000 图七于二零零零年四月三日凌晨3时,大帽山气象雷达显示的3千米高空雨云影像。
Fig . 7 rain echoes at 3 km above ground level taken from the weather radar at tai mo shan at 3 a . m . on 3 april 2000 图七于二零零零年四月三日凌晨3时,大帽山气象雷达显示的3千米高空雨云影像。
The temperature sensors are placed at a height of about 1 . 2 metres above ground level either in a stevenson screen or a thermometer shed made of palm leaves and mattress 温度感应元件置于百叶箱或以棕榄叶和竹席制成的温度表棚内,离地1 . 2米高。
The temperature sensors are placed at a height of about 1 . 2 metres above ground level either in a stevenson screen or a thermometer shed made of palm leaves and mattress 温度感应元件置于百叶箱或以棕榄叶和竹席制成的温度表棚内,离地1 . 2米高。
Maximum density of moths typically occurred below 500 m , and strong layers were often observed at about 200 m above ground level in airflows which would carry the moths towards the south 最大蛾类密度通常出现在500m以下,强的昆虫层出现在地上200m左右高度的气流中,这里气流可将昆虫带到南方。